Friday, October 17, 2008

Long Time

So since it has been forever since i have written anything figured I would update everyone. So we are down to the last couple of weeks before our little angel arrives. It is so funny because people always say that when you are pregnant it seems like forever but this has not seemed like forever. Here I am at about 2 weeks away from my due date and thinking wow this has flown by. We are so ready to meet her at this point. Of course i am not sleeping as well as i have been but that is to be expected at this point. I sleep whenever i can and try to make it through the last few days of work before i am done for the year. I feel like I am ready but i knwo we still have so much to do before everything is really ready. Then i don't think that you can really be ready when it is your first child. I just pray to make it through theses last few weeks and her to be healthy when she decides she ready to join our world. Until later

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

It's A Girl!!

Ok so for those of you who don't that i am pregnant hey yea i am. Anyway so we (being me and my husband and our little one) had our appt on Monday and we got to find out what we are having.YEah!! So according to the ultrasound we are haa=ving a litte girl. er name is going to be Roxie. We are way excited b/c we can start planning the nursery and everything and really feel like we are getting ready. it is finaly starting to become real to me. I am starting to show and all of that. Hopefully i will be able to get some pics up soon. until the next time

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Beach Bound

So it is my last day of work this week and then i am beach bound. I am so ready for a few days of relaxing after a week of craziness. The little baby is ready for some relaxing as well. I haven't been on vacation in awhile and need one. so yay. i'll check back in next week when we get back. Happy happy joy joy!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008


So I am sitting at work today completely bored b/c we no patients today b/c we have no Dr in the office , so due to this i start to look around at the baby stuff to start seeing as how me and my husband are expecting our first child in November. OMG do you know how much stuff is out there for you to decide on and figure out what you need. I feel like we are going to need another house just for all the baby stuff. It is crazy. I will getting pictures up soon(samantha). I just haven't gotten them on to my computer yet. We do get to find out what we will be having on the 23 of this month and are way excited. Of course i think that cece is more excited, seeing as how she can tell me exactly how many more days until i find out. Anyway until later

Friday, May 30, 2008


So I suppose like my family, as we continue to grow and God spreads us near and far from each other we reach for the many different ways in which we can constantly connect with each other so that we may keep each other updated at all times and still feel like a part of their everyday life though we may not be standing next to them. So I have decided to create this as a small way to help keep the connections going and our lives intertwined as much as we can.