Friday, July 10, 2009


Why is it that someone who was corrupt and did something wrong that happened years ago now has to affect my life when i had nothing to do with this. Basically it comes down to some corrupt officials within the gov't did some illegal acts who knows when and they are now geting caught with this. SO this along with the way the economy is now threatens my security threatens my family to have a roof over our heads to have food on our table and a vehicle so we can get to and from work. i don't understand why people vote people into power when they do these things. Are they truly so blind to the injustice that they think these people will be different. I may not be so upset about it if i had a say in this vote but seeing as how i didn't yet it still affects my life it is crazy. okay i tihnk i feel a little bit better. I do realize this doesn't make a whole lot of since but those who know probably will understand this. On to better things.

My sweet daughter who is 8 months old now has decided she wants to be so grown up and has stopped eating baby food and only want s big kid food. It is so cute but at the same time i was hoping for a little longer before this happened. Anyway just had to rant and get it off my chest for a minute.